Hello world!

Welcome to our very own website! I’m excited to share this journey with you. For a long while, the consumer market has had a void-one filled with options that maybe aren’t organic, are genetically modified, are highly processed or even *gasp* manufactured! I won’t knock another’s lifestyle journey, and I especially won’t knock the food choices people make because that’s what they grew up being familiar with. But what I will and LOVE to do is make information available for those ready to learn, or even just a little bit curious what this “whole vegan deal” is about. This includes how to provide their bodies with less adulterated ingredients, resources for healthier living, and up-to-date stats and facts in the vegan realm. And while excess amounts of sugar isn’t good for our bodies, I think we can all recognize we need or just want it once in a while! With that said, I am SO PLEASED to be able to offer you a new-to-the-mainstream market item (my goal is to make this reality!) whose quality you can feel confident in, for whatever the occasion may be. I’ll be using this blog to bring you all the aforementioned info, so please stick with us for the ride. It’s sure to be SWEET and oh so worth it ✌

Xx Abbey xx

2 Replies to “Hello world!”

  1. When I choose to give my family a treat, I want to give them something made of good resources; Blanchard’s Finest does just that for us! These cupcakes are delish and vegan- something amazing!

    1. Thanks for the feedback, Nancy! I’m proud to be able to offer good quality ingredients! 🙂

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